Combat Wings Battle of Britain

Combat Wings Battle of Britain | PC Game | 235 MB

Combat Wings Battle of Britain is a action war game
Join in the new Battle of Britain. Your aircraft is ready and waiting…
There’s something new in the air, and it’s more than the hum of hundreds of aero engines… As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat new planes that will ensure victory over a stronger foe. Will they succeed? It’s up to you, and your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you hold off the enemy long enough, you’ll be the first to fly the Hawker Tornado and Westland Whirlwind into combat, and enable the Empire to strike back before Reichsmarschall Goering finishes his breakfast. You’ll be rewarded with bonus missions, promotions, decorations, and a view of burning Berlin from the tail turret of a Halifax bomber.

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1 Komentar untuk "Combat Wings Battle of Britain"

Halo, saya Anonim, mau download Combat Wings gimana ya? Udah cari di mana-mana ga bisa didownload, yang bisa didownload ga bisa diinstall.

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