The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary

The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary | Size 600 MB
Type Trategy Games

This game is very interesting to try with the new title of The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary, the game has been there since a few years ago but in its first version was still a DOS game that the graphics are still 2D, but now
there is a fairly good progress, the game is now very different from that first, now uses 3D graphics are very nice and interesting, perhaps in the coming year there is a newer version of this game.

Features :
- English Version
- 3D PC games.
- A game that requires strategy.
- There is a formidable enemy.
- Good animation effect.
- A unique strategy game.
- Graphics are very good.
- There are fighters unique character.
- Strategy is a good skill.
Download Link
Full version | [ Part01 | Part02 | Part03 | Part04 | Part05 | Part06 ] [Size 600 MB]
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serial number na mana gan?

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